

Princess Awesome




Pi =

a clothing line:

to stitch:

sold out:

a factory:

to expand:

1. What is the objective of this company?

2. Why did the moms create the company?

3. What is the reaction?

4. Do you think it’s a good idea? Why/why not?


Create a poster, a clothing design or toy to fight stereotypes (culture, gender, etc). Explain your product, your choices, and defend it.



Stevie Churchill Interview


to get into (something):

to look up to:

to make it:

to be insane:

a paycheck:


  1. Where did he move to?
  2. Who in his family started BMX?
  3. Is there only one BMXer he admires?
  4. What characteristics does he admire?
  5. Does he prefer to watch old videos of BMX or new videos of BMX?
  6. What are new techniques he wants to do?
  7. In Sacremento, when became professional, was he calm or scared to do the jump?
  8. What is imporant to him (4 things)?
  9. « It feels _________ to be appreciated. »
  10. « To ____________ them is more than a paycheck. »
  11. Does he have another job idea?
  12. How old is he?

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